Protocol No.ALTE03N1
Principal InvestigatorLee-Miller, Cathy
PhaseN/A (Cancer Control)
Age GroupBoth
ClinicalTrials.GovNCT00082745 (Click to jump to
Management Group(s) Pediatric Oncology; _External Institution(s)

Key Adverse Events after Childhood Cancer

For all participants,blood samples will be collected at the same time that you are having blood collected for routine purposes. If you are not able to give blood for some reason, then cells from your cheek can be collected. You blood or buccal (cheek cell) specimen will be sent to a central laboratory located at St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, Memphis, Tennessee. The specimen will be studied at this laboratory to try to identify genes that might be associated with an increased risk of late-occurring complications. The significance of the findings on individual specimens will not be known until the study is complete. Neither you nor your doctor will be informed of the results, and they will have no effect on your care. In addition, you will be asked to complete a brief questionnaire detailing your family history and health history.

The goals of this study

  • To look at how late-occurring complications develop among patients
    going through treatment for childhood cancer;
  • To see how late-occurring
    complications may relate to the type of cancer, stage of cancer and treatment;
  • To compare cancer patients who have a late-occurring complication(s)
    that may be related to previous cancer treatment to cancer patients who do not
    have a late-occurring complication(s) (but have the same diagnosis) in order to
    see if certain individuals, cancer treatment(s), or genes (the physical unit that
    carries characteristics from parent to child) are related to an increased risk
    of getting a late-occurring complication(s).


Key Eligibility

  • Diagnosis of primary cancer at age 21 or younger, irrespective of current age

  • No history of allogeneic (non-autologous) hematopoietic allogeneic cell transplant

    Development of ischemic stroke or subsequent malignant neoplasm, cardiac dysfunction or avascular necrosis at any time following initiation of cancer therapy

    In active follow up by a Childrens Oncology Group institution

Applicable Disease Sites

Participating Institutions
Gundersen Health System; UW Health University Hospital